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Namaste 🙏🏽 

Yoga is my biggest passion and I would love to share it with you. The journey into myself and into the world of Yoga began 2014 in Los Angeles. The first Yoga class I went to was a Kundalini Yoga Class with the famous Colin Kim. I felt reborn and connected like I have never felt before. I continued to go every single week. After a couple of years of practice I wanted to deepen my knowledge and decided to go on a Yoga pilgrimage to the birthplace of Yoga, India. I did two Yoga Teacher trainings and lived in the tranquil Sivananda Meenakshi Yoga Ashram for a while. Since then I had the pleasure to share my knowledge worldwide as a traveling Yoga Teacher. In May 2020 I returned to my hometown of Bielefeld in Germany where I am offering my services now.


My style of Yoga is strongly influenced by the century old traditions of Hatha Yoga with a modern and fun twist. In my classes you will also find some Kundalini and Yin Yoga practices which will make it even easier to unite your body, mind and soul. 


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